All of this stuff is very close to pucon and some photos correspond to the missing photos of previous posts. At some point I might take the time to put them in the right spots, but it is not likely.

me on the first rapid of Pucons local run, the Desahue. This run is really great and we will do it a lot. I'll have more pictures from it sometime soon, hopefully.

The final falls on the Desahue!

Dropping into another falls close to Pucon.
Rodrigo and I on the Rio Maichin. This run was a lot like the Cal-Salmon. It even has a bunch of creeks flowing into it that we need to explore! There is one especially intruiging one that we hiked up a little bit that day. Later we looked at a map and found that it flows from a loke high in the mountains and we will have to hike to the lake, then kayak down to the Maichin, where we would finish the run. I can't wait to do this one.

This is the view from where I am staying just outside of Pucon.