A few hints...and who is that handsome young man standing next to me?
It's not the southern hemisphere.
It's not Oregon.
I know the options must be very limited but I'm no good with suspense...
I'm in New Mexico relaxing with my brother, Quinn, and his wife Heather.
I have started a trend I would like to continue for a while...the neverending spring-summer. Things are just starting to warm up for summer here and the weather is quite pleasant. I hope the same is happening when I return to Oregon. It looks like the snowpack has recently recieved a nice little boost thanks to some big storms, so spring paddling should be good.
One great thing about southern New Mexico is that there is no paddling. Contradictory, as this comment may seem, I am actually happy right now to be taking a break from paddling and worrying about trying to go paddle. I'll be ready to get after it once back in Oregon though. You hearing this Corvallis boys?
There is one significant obstacle that will keep me from paddling though: I have no kayak or gear. Sooooooo, if you, say, have a creek boat that you don't want, or just want to give me, I won't ask any questions. Same for gear. I wish it were all just free.
also, I don't know why the stupid pictures are sideways.