After a good bit of fun boulder strewn rapids we came to some good bedrock and found what the South Merced is most well known for, the Super Slide.
Lizzy probes again.
Chris G follows suit with a great line.
CG going hole bustin.
The one recommended portage, and I manage to do it all on the wrong side after pushing too far down to the last eddy. I was unhappy with the route and recommend the right side alternative.
The South Merced has many rapids and much good scenery. Evan enjoys both.
After a little surf, there was a slide on which I wanted to be farther right.
And there was a rapid where CG wanted to be farther left.
Lizzy dropping through another great rapid.
Evan enjoying another slide...
and his massive guns.
All photos Jono Ramsay. Look here for the same photos and different words.