This time though, I am going to leave my kayak behind. Unfortunately, I feel like the kayaking part of my trip has spiralled to an end. I have no crew, as usual, to paddle and explore with, so will now take some time to go south in Chile and just be a tourist. It has been very hard to come to this realization and now is very hard for me to say that I will be travelling without my boat.
We did paddle a little on our small drive.
Gerd on the entrance falls to the Middle Llancahue.

We had a little excitement after this falls, including Gerds blown skirt and me jumping in the water, and rock, to pull him into the eddy before going over the next falls.

The next falls was great, but there was no exit and the water was too high to continue safely downstream. I hurt my hand and leg while pulling him into the eddy, but I think it was moslty my sickness and vomiting from drinking the Llancahue water that kept me from running this falls after him. I got to be pretty miserable, but recovered in the next 36 hours. But I was not helped by the broken down car and getting stuck and towed multiple times.
New years resolutions are safe for a while now. I guess updates from here on will probably be a little less kayaking and a lot more tourist. Maybe I'll start writing poetry?