Would I like 2007 to be different: yes
Resolutions to do things differently this year: of course.
Accomplished anything so far: no.
Have plans to do so: Hell Yeah!
But first; so far this year I have:
Driven a lot. Well, make that "been passenger a lot".

Seen lots of cool stuff while sitting in the car.

Had my gear taste-tested by a friendly colt.

Scared that little piece of, well, horse away.

Paddled a little on the Futaleufu

Drove more.

Acquired a boat(YAY JEFE!).

Had a party, of which no photos are available. I hope.
I am pretty excited about having my own boat down here finally, even though it is a LiquidLogic. Now, I'm no hater, but you must understand that my luck with LL has not been the best when it comes to the lifetime of the boat. Performance is second to none, but even the best designs don't function when full of water.
The 2006 destructometer includes 3 broken Gus' and a broken Jefe. Maybe not a lot if you get your boats for free, but those boats put some hurt on me. I'm not sour though.
But on to the new year and the new boat...
Crazy kid Gerd Serrasolses(shown below on a trip to Argentina without me, argh) and I are planning to head south again for a while.

For how long we are not sure, but we tentatively plan until the end of February. While much of that time will likely be spent at the Futa, this promises to be a very worthy road trip. We still can't pass into Argentina(something I am also very not-sour about) but I think Chile has plenty to offer to keep us entertained.
I think we are going to see some good stuff early so stay tuned and I will try to keep the updates rolling.
New years resolutions watch out.