

Just spent the last week up in Hood River paddling the Little White Salmon a bit and the regular old White Salmon a couple times. Yes it's very good and the water is sticking around the low but very, very fun and non-threatening levels. Hopefully it will hold until the race next weekend!
Canyon Creek Race this weekend so we're heading that way for a little low-water sprint race action.
Photos by Jono Ramsey

Chris Gabrielli: Right, that looks like a great boof. I'd like to hit that.

EJ Etherington: Well, ya know, throw a little stroke in.

Wow, I'd like to do that too.
CG: the boof is good

We had crew, and that's not even everybody.

Richard Young: Well I was thinking about this job in Idaho, but after this, maybe I'll look in Hood River.

RY: Yes, I'll look in HR. First LW run is so good.

Party time

Rick Cooley: Well I hope my line at Spirit goes this well.

Jeff Hazboun: Well I was thinking about \varphi = \int \frac{dr}{r^{2} \sqrt{\frac{1}{b^{2}} - \left( 1 - \frac{r_{s}}{r} \right) \frac{1}{r^{2}}}} and black holes, but something just came up. Ah, right. Wishbone.

RY: Well this seals it, Hood River it is.

Setting the angle

This is quite the view looking back up at Spirit waiting for someone to run.

RC: not quite as planned. uh-oh.

Nick Zegre: I like caving, but not especially behind big waterfalls.